Strategies to prevent heart disease

Strategies to prevent heart disease

A healthy lifestyle contributes significantly to effective heart care. In particular, this includes sufficient physical activity and a healthy diet. In addition to these aspects of a healthy lifestyle, it can also make sense to suppress the outbreak of a heart disease with medication in some cases - for people at high risk for cardiovascular diseases - in the context of cardiovascular disease.
Every family doctor is required to determine the cardiovascular risk of his patients. Every patient should know their risk of developing cardiovascular disease. If necessary, he can discuss an individual risk reduction strategy with his doctor.
Heart care with physical activity
A metabolic equivalent (MET) corresponds approximately to the oxygen intake when sitting still (3.5 ml / kg / min). Athletes can easily increase their oxygen intake by 10 to 15 times and accordingly reach 10 - 15 MET. On the other hand, untrained people often stay at <8 MET.
Physical training that increases performance by 1 MET already leads to a 20% risk reduction in cardiovascular diseases. This effect is also observed in overweight people. Overweight people with good cardiovascular performance live longer than overweight people with poor performance.
The same applies to the causal risk factors. A diabetic can significantly reduce his cardiovascular risk through physical training. Of course, physical training also helps to reduce body weight and keep it in the desired area in the long term. The blood pressure values decrease. Also, physical exercise in people with low blood sugar levels is an extremely effective way to prevent the onset of overt blood sugar.
It's not about exhausting yourself to the point of exhaustion. Rather, the aim should be a load that is not too strong but even. Fast walking or careful jogging, cycling and swimming are good reasons to name just a few. This activity should be done 3-4 times a week for at least 30 minutes. For fast walking, 120-140 minutes per week are sufficient to noticeably increase performance and reduce the cardiovascular risk.
Healthy nutrition for heart prevention
A balanced, healthy diet has important positive effects on body weight, blood fat and blood sugar levels and, at least indirectly, even on blood pressure. Overall, there are some principles that make healthy eating easier. This includes that you can go crazy if it happens only occasionally and as part of an otherwise balanced diet.
On the other hand, there is certainly no contradiction between tasty and healthy. In many cases you will enjoy a fruit salad rather than a chocolate bar. But it takes a little more time.
Although the number of heart diseases has declined significantly in the past 10 years, which is partly due to the improved possibilities of medicine and technology, but also with prevention (including healthy eating, exercise), about 25% of all deaths are still present Attributed to heart disease. Improper nutrition plays an important role in heart diseases, e.g. found that the risk of heart disease is higher for people who eat a lot of saturated fat and little fresh fruit and vegetables.
Prevent atherosclerosis
In the case of diseases of the heart, there is usually arteriosclerosis (fatty arteries and hardening of the arteries), a vascular change that develops over a long period (20 - 30 years) and does not cause any symptoms at first.
Atherosclerosis development is accelerated by risk factors such as
Diabetes mellitus and
High blood pressure.
The best way to prevent arteriosclerosis is to eat a healthy, balanced diet. These include unsaturated fatty acids, i.e. especially vegetable fats and lots of fiber. Studies show that vegetarians are less at risk of cardiovascular disease than people who eat meat. Therefore, avoiding meat can reduce the formation of arteriosclerosis.
Physical exercise is also particularly important. Rather half an hour 3 times a week than 3 hours once a week.
Prevent elevated cholesterol
A distinction is made between cholesterol between HDL ("good" cholesterol) and LDL ("bad" cholesterol).
Cholesterol is found in all human and animal cells and is involved in cell building, the production of hormones, the formation of bile acids and the formation of vitamin D. And yet cholesterol plays a major role in the development of arteriosclerosis. High cholesterol levels are not only caused by improper nutrition, but are often also based on an interaction of behaviours (little exercise, wrong diet) and genetic dispositions. You can achieve a lot through a healthy diet.
It is very important to exclude or reduce the risk factors. I.e. Reduce obesity with a balanced, varied, low-calorie diet, stop smoking and properly treat diabetes and high blood pressure. Because reducing risk factors almost always lowers the high cholesterol level “on its own”.
With a reduction of 2mg / dl cholesterol, a risk reduction of 2% is achieved. Blood pressure drops by 2 mm / Hg per kilogram of weight reduction. So it is worth living healthy. If the cholesterol levels are too high in the long term, the cholesterol (mainly LDL) can accumulate on the arterial walls over time and eventually lead to a total occlusion of the artery. Heart attack! But you can prevent this in part with the help of a healthy diet.
What is the right diet?
50% of the daily energy, the basis of a healthy diet, should consist of carbohydrates: whole grains and whole grain products, bread, pasta, rice and potatoes are ideal.
15% of the daily energy should be covered by low-fat protein carriers such as fish, low-fat cheese (F.i.Tr. <30%), low-fat milk products (<1.5%) and low-fat sausage.
30% of your daily energy should consist of fat, but: Fat is not just fat. Saturated fatty acids, i.e. Animal fats, such as butter, lard, cream should be greatly reduced, as they negatively affect the cholesterol level (lower HDL, increase LDL).
The daily drinking amount should be between 1.5 and 2.0 litres, e.g. Mineral water, herbal and fruit teas.
The daily intake of cholesterol that is taken in through food should not exceed 300 mg, i.e. as little animal fat and food as possible. Vegetable fats are better, such as the monounsaturated fatty acids e.g. Olive oil and rapeseed oil (increase HDL, lower total cholesterol) and the polyunsaturated fatty acids such as sunflower oil, safflower oil, walnut oil (lower total cholesterol), which have a positive effect on cholesterol levels.
Even if our cholesterol level is positively influenced by oils, you should not use too much, since oils also contain many calories and, if consumed too often, promote excess weight.
How can a heart-healthy diet be designed?
·       As little animal fat as possible.
·       The highest possible proportion of vegetable fats.
·       Especially monounsaturated fatty acids (olive / rapeseed oil).
·       Less than 300 mg total cholesterol / day.
·       As much fiber as possible (> 30g / day).
·       Little sugar and sugary.
·       Salt little, rather use lots of herbs / spices.
·       Lots of fruit, vegetables and salad.
·       Drink a lot.
·       Take time to eat.
If you take these points into account in your daily diet, you have a varied, healthy and tasty diet that protects the heart and health and contributes to daily well-being.
Stop smoking
Smoking is extremely harmful to the body. This applies to both cardiovascular and cancer diseases. The risk of developing cardiovascular disease is 2 to 3 times higher on average for a smoker than for a non-smoker. The risk is even higher with heavy smoking. Cardiovascular diseases typically break out earlier in smokers.
Young people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, especially women, are almost always smokers and would stay free of the disease for longer - perhaps lifelong - without smoking. If smoking is stopped, the cardiovascular risk decreases by 40-50%. Unfortunately, this often only happens when a heart attack or stroke with unavoidable damage has already occurred.
Smoking is not a pleasure, but an addiction. Unfortunately, many children and adolescents still use cigarettes, so that their vascular system is exposed to severe stress very early on. Blood clots develop and the blood vessels age prematurely. They become susceptible to diseases and tend to calcify.

Respiratory failure and Acute Coronary Syndrome Coronary failure

Respiratory failure and Acute Coronary Syndrome 

Coronary failure manifestations Regular signs and manifestations of a cardiovascular failure include: Chest agony or distress (angina), might be showed by a sentiment of pressure, pressure, completion, or torment in the focal point of the chest. With a cardiovascular failure, the agony for the most part goes on for a few minutes, it can increment and decline in power. Chest area inconvenience, including arms, neck, back, jaw, or stomach. Trouble relaxing. Sickness and heaving. Cold perspiration. Discombobulation or swooning. Ladies are more averse to have chest torment. Respiratory failure crisis treatment The American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology suggest: In the event that you think a coronary episode has started, call quickly (03). In the wake of calling (03) you have to bite a headache medicine tablet. Make certain to advise the paramedic about this, at that point an extra portion of anti-inflammatory medicine isn't required. Angioplasty, likewise called per cutaneous coronary mediation (PCI), is a strategy that must be performed inside an hour and a half of the beginning of a cardiovascular failure. Patients experiencing a cardiovascular failure ought to be taken to a medical clinic prepared to perform (PCI). Fibrinolytic treatment ought to be performed inside 30 minutes of a coronary failure if the middle that performs (PCI) isn't accessible. The patient ought to be moved to the (PCI) office immediately. Auxiliary Heart Attack Prevention Extra protection measures are expected to help forestall an intermittent cardiovascular failure. Prior to release, you have to examine with the clinic specialist: Control of circulatory strain and cholesterol (statins, ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers are endorsed during release). Anti-inflamatory medicine and the antiplatelet tranquilize clopidogrel (Plavix), which numerous patients should take all the time. Prazugrel (Effient) is another medication that can be utilized as an option to clopidogrel for patients. Cardiovascular restoration and normal exercise. Standardization of weight. Smoking discontinuance.

The heart is the intricate organ of the human body. For an amazing duration, he continually siphons blood, providing all the tissues of the body through the blood vessel coordinate with oxygen and fundamental supplements. To play out this exhausting assignment, the heart muscle itself needs an adequate measure of oxygen-advanced blood, which is conveyed to it through a system of coronary supply routes. These supply routes convey oxygen-rich blood to the muscle mass of the heart (myocardium). 

A coronary failure (myocardial localized necrosis) happens when blood stream to the heart muscle is obstructed, the tissue encounters oxygen starvation and part of the myocardium kicks the bucket. 

Coronary illness causes respiratory failures. Coronary illness is the final product of atherosclerosis, which represses coronary blood stream and lessens the conveyance of oxygen-advanced blood to the heart.


The risk factors for heart attack are general and have a rather uniform value in the different districts in which the heart attack can occur. There are modifiable factors, on which it is possible to intervene by implementing all the prevention strategies known today, and non-modifiable factors, on which it is not possible to act but which must be monitored.

The modifiable factors are:
Physical Activity: physical exercise keeps the metabolism more active, reduces the levels of lipids in the blood and therefore the possibility that these settle at the arterial level; experts advise to carry out at least 20-30 minutes of physical activity per day, which can also consist simply of a long walk, provided that it is performed with a relaxed and sustained step.

smoking: Smoking raises cardiovascular risk and must therefore be avoided, all the more so in the presence of other risk factors.
Alcohol: alcohol abuse leads to the introduction into the body of empty calories, not accompanied by the supply of nutrients.

Drug use: The use of drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines increases the risk of heart attack and reduces the average age at which this occurs.

Nutrition: The diet must be as low as possible in saturated fats, responsible for the increase in plasma lipid levels and the deposition of atheromatous plaques on the artery wall. This means that the consumption of meat, butter and dairy products must be limited.

Blood Pressure: hypertension subjects the arterial wall to non-physiological stresses, which can damage it. This increases the risk of arterial lesions and therefore the probability of plaque deposition and aneurysm formation. Furthermore, by acting on the heart with loads greater than those for which it was sized, the risk of congestive heart failure increases. 40-90% of people affected by stroke suffered from hypertension at the time of the event.

Diabetes: the presence of excess sugars in the blood damages the arteries and creates the metabolic conditions for raising cholesterol and triglyceride levels, responsible for the formation of atheromatous plaques.

Overweight: overweight and obesity increase cardiovascular risk; in particular, abdominal fat is harmful, which acts like a real organ secreting hormones that alter the metabolism.

vasculitis: These are autoimmune diseases that involve inflammation of the blood vessels and that can predispose to the deposition of atheromatous plaques.

The non-modifiable factors are:

Age: the risk of heart attack increases with age; for this reason it is recommended, at a more mature age, to keep yourself under control and intensify prevention.

Gender: while at a young and mature age, heart attack and atherosclerosis are more common in men, after menopause the loss by women of the protective action of estrogen levels the sexes in risk quantification.
Familiarity: the presence of a history in the family increases the risk of being subject to a heart attack.
Acute myocardial infarction (more commonly defined as a heart attack) is a very serious cardiovascular event which involves the necrosis of a portion of the myocardium dependent on the extent of the ischemia that generated it.

In Italy, about 120,000 heart attacks occur every year, with a mortality of around 11%, but in continuous and decisive improvement. Myocardial infarction is a very rapid onset event, in which the flow of blood directed to a part of the heart muscle is blocked by the obstruction of one or more coronary arteries. If blood flow is not restored in a short time, ischemia can extend, leading to massive necrosis of the myocardial tissue and the consequent fibrosis. It is precisely the deposition of scar tissue that determines some of the worst consequences of myocardial infarction.

The cause of myocardial infarction is the interruption or dramatic reduction of blood supply to the heart. The conditions that can lead to the establishment of this framework are:

Atherosclerosis: The deposition of aromatherapist plaques due to hyperglycemia (circulating lipid levels higher than normal) on the internal wall of the coronary arteries, reduces the lumen and obstructs the blood flow causing: risk of ischemia downstream, swirling blood in the artery (the alteration of the hydrodynamic picture causes damage to the arterial wall and an increased risk of aneurysm formation) and the danger of detachment of fragments of the plaque itself (which can generate thrombi capable of totally or partially occluding the lumen of a coronary)
spasm of the coronary arteries: it is a constriction reaction of the arterial diameter which takes over due to various factors, including the use of some drugs (such as cocaine) and which causes non-thrombotic heart attack.

Coronary Malformation: In rare cases the narrowing of the lumen of a coronary artery due to a congenital malformation can lead to an alteration of the blood flow and lead to the formation of a thrombus, responsible for the heart attack.

Coronary Dissection: It is a type of congenital malformation or it acquires a coronary artery which consists in the detachment between the sheets that make up the wall, in such a way as to bring the innermost one to create the conditions for partial occlusion and for thrombus formation.

Suborbital Syndrome: It is a type of myocardial infarction that mainly affects women and that is generated by strong emotional stress, without narrowing of the coronary lumen. The heart observed on the echo-cardiogram tends to take the shape of the baskets used by Japanese fishermen.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Founder of the Nation)


The period of 1941-1947 is very important in the political career of Quaid-i-Azam regarding establishment of Pakistan. The Pakistan Resolution of 23rd March 1940 defined the goal of Pakistan. On the face of Congress opposition to the Pakistan scheme, Quaid-i-Azam stood firm like a rock. In an article published in the Times and Tide of London, Quaid-i-Azam reiterated that Hindus and Muslims are two different nations and insisted on the two nations sharing the governance of their common motherland.1
The Second World War had a significant effect on the events leading to creation of Pakistan. The British Government was eager to attain the cooperation of leading parties of India including All India Muslim League. Quaid-i-Azam elaborated Lord Linlithgow on the League Working Committee’s stance that as a pre-condition of League’s full cooperation and support to the war effort, the British Government should give assurance that no policy declaration would be made or any constitution framed without the approval or consent of the Indian Muslims.2
On August 8, 1940, in a view to gain Indian support, the British Government issued a white paper that “after the war a constituent Assembly would be formed which will include all the elements of the national life and its task would be to prepare the framework of the country’s future constitution”.3 The scheme was called the August Offer. Quaid-i-Azam as a constitutionalist realized the importance of August Offer and in a meeting of League Working Committee “expressed his satisfaction over the British Government decision that no future constitution would be adopted without the prior approval and consent of the League”.4
To bring an end to the political deadlock of India, the British Government send Sir Stafford Cripps. He arrived in India on 22nd March 1942 and held talks with Indian leaders including Quaid-i-Azam on his famous proposal called as CRIPPS PROPOSALS. The proposals included some important points like complete independence to India after war, framing of new Constituent Assembly and if a province wants not to accede, she was given this option.
The Cripps proposals were rejected both by the Congress and Muslim League. Though Quaid-i-Azam was against these proposals and termed it as “vaguer terms and unfair to Muslims in obliging them to take part in a constitution making body whose main object, contrary to their, was the creation of an all-India union”.5 Besides rejecting, Quaid-i-Azam saw a ray of hope in the Cripps proposals and had admitted that the only positive aspect of the plan was that” for the first time, the British Government agreed in principle to the idea of partition”.6
The Congress was adamant to oppose the British Government at any cost. To give impetus to this stance, the Congress Working Committee on 14th July 1942 passed a Resolution calling upon the British Government to quite India immediately. Quaid-i-Azam sensed the real motive of Congress Resolution. In an statement to the press, Quaid-i-Azam revealed that the aim of the Congress is “blackmailing the British and coercing them to concede a system of government and transfer power to that government which would establish a Hindu raj immediately under the aegis of the British bayonet thereby placing the Muslims and other minorities and interests at the mercy of the Congress raj”.7
Not all Muslims looked up to Jinnah. Many criticized him, some because they found him too Westernized, others because he was too straight and uncompromising. One young man, motivated by religious fervour and belonging to the Khaksar, a religious party, attempted to assassinate him on 26 July 1943. Armed with a knife he broke into Jinnah’s home in Bombay and succeeded in wounding him before he was overpowered. Jinnah publicly appealed to his followers and friends to “remain calm and cool”8 The League declared 13 August a day of thanksgiving through out India.
When Gandhi realized that Quit India Movement was heading nowhere but towards failure, he approached the Viceroy and at the same time, sought settlement with the Muslim League. With this end in view, C. Rajagopalachari, the only person who was seeking some understanding with the Muslims, wrote a letter to Quaid-i-Azam on 8 April 1944. He forwarded to the Quaid-i-Azam his formula known as C.R. Formula.
C. Rajagopalachari termed it “a basis for a settlement which I discussed with Gandhiji in March 1943 and of which he expressed full approval”.9 Quaid-i-Azam responded to C. R. Formula not by himself but instead said that the matter to be presented before Working Committee of the All India Muslim League. Salient features of the C. R. Formula were formation of interim government, plebiscite to decide the issue of separation from Hindustan, mutual agreements in case of partition etc. The C.R. formula became the basis for Gandhi in connection with his talks with Quaid-i-Azam.
JINNAH GANDHI TALKS are an interesting chapter in the history of India. The two major figures of their parties were watched with an air of expectancy, aimed at breaking the political stalemate between the League and the Congress for a settlement to pave the way for Indian independence. Though the talks were between two personalities but actually it was the clash of two schemes, C. R. Formula advocated by Gandhi and Pakistan Resolution by Quaid-i-Azam. Gandhi and Jinnah met on 9 September 1944 and the meeting was followed by a series of letters exchanged between the two. In a letter wrote to Gandhi, Quaid-i-Azam questioned his position, “representative Character and capacity on behalf of the Hindus or the Congress”.10 Quaid further wrote that you cannot discuss the Hindu-Muslim settlement and you have no authority to do so. To this M. K. Gandhi replied that he was participating in the talks in individual capacity.11 Quaid-i-Azam primarily based his views on Lahore Resolution that the areas in which the Muslims are in majority should be grouped to constitute independent states. M. K. Gandhi insisted on C.R. Formula as starting point. He added that after the war an interim government would be set up and a plebiscite will be held as to decide in favour of separation from Hindustan or against it. To this Jinnah replied and saught clarification for the mechanism and authority to decide and work out these matters. The Jinnah-Gandhi talks failed as C.R. Formula and Pakistan Resolution could not be reconciled. But it exposed the Gandhi’s Congressite-cum-Mahasabhite face. He wrote to Quaid-i-Azam that “I find no parallel in history for a body of converts and their dependants claiming to be a nation apart from the parent stock”.12 Quaid-i-Azam reiterated that Muslims are a nation by any definition and by all canons of international law.
The failure of Gandhi-Jinnah talks necessitated the need for all the political parties of India to come to some political settlement of the communal tangle. On June 14, 1945, Lord Wavell announced for re-organization of Governor General’s Executive Council. The arrangement put forward by Lord Wavell is called WAVELL PLAN. A conference was called by the Viceroy at Simla and invited inter alia Quaid-i-Azam to attend the Conference. At the SIMLA CONFERENCE the Muslim seats became the bone of contention. Congress insisted on nominating two Muslims of its own while Quaid-i-Azam demanded that “all Muslims appointed to the Council should be from among the All India Muslim League”.13 The Simla Conference failed mainly because of the refusal of the British Government and the Congress to recognize the All-India Muslim League as the only representative body of Muslim India. Now the challenge before Quaid-i-Azam and Muslim League was to prove that Muslim League is the only representative organization of Muslim India and it was proved in the General Elections of 1945-46.
To set the preparations for GENERAL-ELECTIONS 1945-46, a campaign for collection of funds was started in July 1945. In response donations in large sums received from all over the India and the Indian Muslims abroad. Parliamentary Boards were set-up in each province to decide the issue of allocation of Muslim League tickets. The democratic attitude of Quaid-i-Azam can be witnessed in allocation of seats and it was made clear by Quaid-i-Azam that he will never interfere with the work of the Parliamentary Boards nor be interceded on behalf of any aspirant. Quaid-i-Azam urged on the Leaguers to concentrate exclusively on the elections. In a telegram to medical students of Calcutta, he advised “establish complete unity, face election with grim determination. Issue life-death. Every vote for the League means rescue of hundred million Musalmans, Islam Pakistan”.14 The League performed well in the elections. It swept all the Muslim seats in the Central Assembly and captures 428 out of 492 Muslim seats in the provincial legislatures. The League’s claim to speak on behalf of Muslim India has now been fully realized.
After the War the British Government was left with no option but to give independence to India. In these circumstances the Secretary of State for India, Lord Pathick Lawrence on February 19, 1946, announced the formation of the CABINET MISSION to solve the Indian political tangle. The salient features of Cabinet Mission Plan were long term and short term. The long term plans were union of India, grouping of India into 3 groups based on Communal lines and option of reconsideration for any group, the terms of constitution after 10 years. The Short term plan including setting up of an interim government by the Indian representatives. Quaid-i-Azam rejected the Cabinet Mission plan and in a statement on 22 May 1946 said, “Pakistan is the only solution to the constitutional problems of India”.15 But being a lover of democracy, the Quaid-i-Azam rested the decision with the League Council. In the meeting of League Council, Quaid-i-Azam expressed his firm faith that the Muslims of India would not feel at rest till the creation of Pakistan. He further added, “the scheme contained in itself, a basis for Pakistan”.16 The Congress out rightly rejected the Cabinet Mission Plan while the Muslim League accepted it. It was binding on the British’s Government to invite Muslim League for the formation of interim government but it was not done so. Under these circumstances, the League on 27 July 1946, decided to withdraw its support for the plan and to take DIRECT ACTION to attain Pakistan. In this meeting Quaid-i-Azam remarked, “the Cabinet Mission has played into the hands of the Congress. It has played game of its own”.17 However due to the stern responses, the League along with Congress was invited to form the interim government.
The last Governor General of India, Louis Mountbatten arrived India on 22nd March 1947. Louis Mountbatten was sent by the British Government on a special mission to transfer power to India. With this end in view he prepared a plan for the transfer of power known as MOUNTBATTEN PLAN OR 3RD JUNE PLAN. Important points of 3rd June Plan were adequate arrangements of Punjab and Bengal assemblies if they favor partition of these provinces, referendum in KPK and Sylhet for deciding their fate to join India or Pakistan etc. The Plan was presented on June 2, 1947 before the Indian leaders including Quaid-i-Azam. Being a constitutionalist and firm believer in democratic norms, he remarked, “I can express my own opinion in this regard but the Muslim League is a democratic institution. Therefore, the League and Working Committee would contact the people before making any final decision”.18 The plan was finally approved by League Council on 9th August 1947.19 The plan of 3rd June paved the way for partition of India in general and of Punjab and Bengal in particular.
To give effect to the 3rd June Plan, a commission was formed headed by Sir Cyril Radcliff known as RADCLIFFE COMMISSION. The Commission was assigned the task of demarcating the contiguous Muslim and non-Muslim majority areas of the Punjab and Bengal. The award of Radcliffe Commission was very astonishing to the Muslims. Great injustices were done by the Award. The Muslim majority areas of Gurdaspur, Jullundur, Ferozpur, Zira and Ambala were handed over to India due to the clandestine efforts of Congress in general and V.P. Menon in particular. The Quaid-i-Azam expressed his grief and resentment on the Award and said that they have been squeezed inasmuch as it was possible and it was an unjust, incomprehensible and even perverse Award.20 During these circumstances the independent Muslim State of Pakistan emerged on the map of the world on 14th August 1947 and Quaid-i-Azam became the undisputed first Governor General of Pakistan.

سعودی عرب سے واپسی کے خواہشمند –ابشر- پر اندراج کرائیں

سعودی عرب سے واپسی کے خواہشمند –ابشر- پر اندراج کرائیں

خادم حرمین شریفین شاہ سلمان بن عبدالعزیز آل سعود کی ہدایات پر عمل کرتے ہوئے سعودی وزارت داخلہ نے کہا ہے کہ وہ غیر ملکی جنہوں نے ایگزٹ ری انٹری یا فائنل ایگزٹ ویزا حاصل کیا ہوا ہے اور وہ اپنے ملک جانے کے خواہشمند ہیں فوری طور پر ’ابشر‘ اکاونٹ پر اپنا اندراج کرائیں۔
’مملکت میں مقیم غیر ملکی جنہوں نے خروج و عودہ یا خروج نہائی ویزہ حاصل کیا ہے مگر وہ کورونا وائرس کی وجہ سے فضائی سفر پر عائد پابندیوں کے باعث اپنے وطن نہیں جا سکے ان کے لیے خصوصی انتظامات کیے جا رہے ہیں
بیان میں مزید کہا گیا ہے کہ وطن جانے کے خواہشمند اپنے بارے میں معلومات وزارت داخلہ کے ڈیجیٹل اکاونٹ ’ابشر‘ پر فوری طور پر فیڈ کریں تاکہ ان کے معاملات کو نمٹایا جاسکے.
وزارت داخلہ کا کہنا ہے کہ وطن واپس جانےکے خواہشمندوں کےلیے خصوصی انتظامات کے تحت متعلقہ حکومتی اداروں سے معاملات طے کیے جارہے ہیں ۔ابشر اکاونٹ پرموصول ہونے والی درخواستوں کا جائزہ لینے کے بعد سفر کے انتظامات کیے جائیں گے
غیر ملکیوں کے سفر کے حوالے سے فضائی سروسز کا بندوبست اور فلائٹ کنفرم کرنے کے بعد درخواست گزار کو انکے موبائل پر ایس ایم ایس کے ذریعے اطلاع فراہم کردی جائے گیجس میں فلائٹ نمبراورروانگی کا مقام درج ہوگا بعدازاں مسافر کو سفر کےلیے دی گئی بکنگ کے مطابق ٹکٹ خریدنا ہوگا
وزارت داخلہ نے ابشر اکاونٹ پر واپس جانے کے لیے دی جانے والی درخواست کے طریقہ کارکی وضاحت کرتے ہوئے بتایا ہے کہ ہر شخص یا سربراہ خانہ اپنے ذاتی ابشر اکاونٹ پر لاگ ان کرنےکے بعد ’عودہ‘ کے براوز میں اقامہ نمبر- تاریخ پیدائش، موبائل نمبر - روانگی اورپہنچنے کے مقام یعنی ان شہروں کا نام جہاں سے جانا اورجہاں جانا ہے درج کرنے کے بعد درخواست کو آن لائن جمع کروائیں-
جن شہروں سے خصوصی پروازیں چلائی جائیں گی ان میں ریاض کے شاہ خالد بین الاقوامی ایئر پورٹ، شاہ عبدالعزیز انٹرنیشنل ایئر پورٹ جدہ، مدینہ منورہ اور دمام کے شہزادہ محمد بن فہد انٹرنیشنل ایئر پورٹس کو مخصوص کیا گیا ہے۔
بیان میں مزید کہا گیا ہے کہ وہ مسافر جو دیگر شہروں میں مقیم ہیں کو قریب ترین شہر کے ایئر پورٹ تک آنے کے لیے خصوصی اجازت نامے جاری کیے جائیں گے تاکہ وہ مذکورہ شہروں میں اپنی روانگی سے قبل پہنچ سکیں۔

پی آئی اے نے آئندہ ہفتے سے نئی خصوصی پروازوں کا شیڈول ترتیب دے دیا

 پااکستان انٹرنیشنل ائیرلائن= پی آئی ای= مختلف ممالک کے لئے امدادی پروازوں کا سلسلہ جاری رکھے ہوئے ہے جن کے ذریعے پاکستانیوں کو وطن واپس اور غیر ملکیوں کو ان کے آبائی ممالک پہنچایا جا رہا ہے- بدھ کو جاری کردہ اعلامیہ کے مطابق اس سلسلے میں مزید ممالک کے لئے پروازوں کے شیڈول کو حتمی شکل دے دی گئی ہے-
حکومت پاکستان کی ہدایات پر ایوی ایشن ڈویژن کے سربراہ وفاقی وزیر ہوابازی غلام سرور خان نے پی آئی اے کو ان ممالک کے لئے پروازیں چلانے کی ذمہ داری سونپی ہے جہاں پر پاکستانیو ں کی ایک بڑی تعداد محصور اور وطن واپسی کی منتظر ہے- ان ہدایات کے تحت پی آئی اے نے آئندہ ہفتے سے نئی خصوصی پروازوں کا شیڈول ترتیب دے دیا ان پروازوں کے ذریعے مذکورہ ممالک میں پھنسے ہوئے پاکستانیوں کو واپس پاکستان پہنچایا جا سکے گا ۔ یہ بات قابل ذکر ہے کہ پی آئی اے کورونا وائرس کے باعث بین الاقوامی پروازوں کی معطلی کے بعد3 اپریل سے لندن، برمنگھم، مانچسٹر، ٹورنٹو، دبئی ، ابوظہبی اور کوالالمپور کے لئے امدادی پروازیں چلا رہی ہے۔یہ بات بھی خاص طور پر قابل ذکر ہے کہ پی آئی اے نے ان مقامات کے لئے بھی امدادی پروازیں چلا ئی ہیں جو پی آئی اے کے معمول کے نیٹ ورک میں شامل نہیں ہیں- جن میں چین میں چینگزو- تاجکستان میں دوشنبے- ازبکستان میں تاشقند- آذر بائیجان میں باکو - عراق میں بغداد اور ترکی میں ترابزون شامل ہیں۔
اس ہفتے پی آئی اے جنوبی کوریا کے شہر سیول اور براعظم آسٹریلیا کے شہر میلبورن کے لئے بھی پہلی دفعہ پروازیں آپریٹ کر رہی ہے۔ ترجمان پی آئی انے کہا ہے کہ وہ مسافر جو پروازوں کی معطلی کی وجہ سے سفر نہیں کرسکے ان کو بھی ان پروازوں میں ایڈجسٹ کیا جائے گا - لہذا مسافروں سے درخواست کی جاتی ہے کہ وہ فوری طور پر پی آئی اے کال سینٹر سے رابطہ کر کے اپنا مقامی ٹیلی فون نمبرفراہم کریں تا کہ ان کو آئندہ پروازوں پربکنگ - منسوخی اور پروازوں میں کسی بھی تبدیلی کی صورت میں آگاہ کیا جا سکے۔
ترجمان نے مزید کہا کہ مسافروں کی جانب سے موصول شدہ آراء کے بعد کرایوں میں ردو بدل کی گی ہے حالانکہ پی آئی اے کے موجودہ کرائے خصوصی پروازوں کے آپریشن کی لاگت پر مبنی تھے تاہم پی آئی اے کے چیف ایگزیکٹو آفیسر ائر مارشل ارشد ملک نے اس معاملے کا ذاتی طور پرنوٹس لیتے ہوئے کرایوں میں کمی کر دی ہے اور نئے کرائے اب سسٹم میں ٹکٹ خریدنے کے لئے دستیاب ہیں
اقوام متحدہ کے ادارے انٹرنیشنل لیبر آرگنائزیشن .آئی ایل او. نے خبردار کیا ہے کہ کورونا وائرس سے دنیا بھر میں بے روزگاری میں اضافہ ہوگا اور ڈھائی کروڑ مزید افراد بے روزگار ہوں گے-
بدھ کو اپنے ایک بیان میں آئی ایل او  نے خبردار کیا ہے کہ کورونا سے نہ صرف بے روزگاری میں اضافہ ہوگا بلکہ مزدوروں کی آمدنی میں بھی بہت زیادہ کم ہو گی-
ایک تازہ تحقیق میں آئی ایل او نے خبردار کیا ہے کہ کورونا وائرس سے پیدا ہونے والے معاشی بحران سے لیبر مارکیٹ پر دور رس اثرات ہوں گے۔ آئی ایل او کے مطابق کورونا صرف صحت کے متعلق عالمی بحران نہیں رہا بلکہ ایک بہت بڑا معاشی اور لیبر مارکیٹ کا بحران بھی ہے جس کے لوگوں کی زندگیوں پر بڑے اثرات ہوں گے-
آئی آیل او کی تحقیق کے مطابق کورونا وائرس کے پھیلاؤں کے تناظر میں دنیا کو بے روزگاری اور جزوی ملازمتوں میں اضافے کے لیے تیار ہونا چاہیے۔
تحقیق میں مختلف ممکنہ منظر ناموں اور حکومتوں کے تیز ردعمل کا تذکرہ کرتے ہوئے کہا گیا ہے کہ انتہائی ساز گار منظر نامے کی صورت میں بھی کم از کم 53 لاکھ لوگ بے روزگار ہوں گے۔
آئی ایل او کے مطابق دوسری صورت میں دو کروڑ 47 لاکھ بے روزگار ہوں گے جو کہ 2019 کے رجسٹرڈ 18 کروڑ 80 لاکھ بے روزگاروں کے علاوہ ہوں گے-

آمدنی میں کمی 860 ارب ڈالر سے لے کر 3.4 کھرب ڈالر کے درمیان ہوگی۔

آئی ایل او نے خبردار کیا ہے کہ اس بحران کی وجہ سے جزوقتی ملازمتوں میں بھی بڑے پیمانے پر اضافہ ہوسکتا ہے۔
تحقیق میں بتایا گیا ہے کہ ذاتی کاروبار یا کام جو کہ معاشی بحران کی صورت میں ترقی پذیر ملکوں میں کشن کے طور پر استعمال ہوتا ہے- اس دفعہ نہیں ہوسکے گا کیونکہ کورونا کی وبا کی وجہ سے لوگوں اور اشیا کی نقل و حرکت پر سخت پابندی ہو گی-
آئی ایل او کے مطابق کام تک رسائی میں کمی کا مطلب ورکرز کے لیے آمدنی میں بڑے پیمانے پر کمی ہے-
تحقیق میں بتایا گیا ہے کہ دنیا بھر میں آمدنی میں یہ کمی 860 ارب ڈالر سے لے کر 3.4 کھرب ڈالر کے درمیان ہوگی۔ اس کمی کا مطلب ہوگا کہ خدمات اور اشیا کے استعمال میں کمی جس کا معیشت اور کاروبار پر برے اثرات ہوں گے-
آئی ایل او کے مطابق ان لوگوں کی تعداد میں بھی اضافہ ہوگا جو کہ ایک یا دو ملازمتیں کرنے کے باوجود غریب ہیں۔ تحقیق کے مطابق 88 لاکھ سے تین کروڑ پچاس لاکھ کے قریب کام کرنے والے غریبوں کی تعداد میں اضافہ ہوگا-

کورونا سے ڈھائی کروڑ افراد بے روزگار ہوں گے! اقوام متحدہ

اقوام متحدہ کے ادارے انٹرنیشنل لیبر آرگنائزیشن .آئی ایل او. نے خبردار کیا ہے کہ کورونا وائرس سے دنیا بھر میں بے روزگاری میں اضافہ ہوگا اور ڈھائی کروڑ مزید افراد بے روزگار ہوں گے-
بدھ کو اپنے ایک بیان میں آئی ایل او  نے خبردار کیا ہے کہ کورونا سے نہ صرف بے روزگاری میں اضافہ ہوگا بلکہ مزدوروں کی آمدنی میں بھی بہت زیادہ کمی آئے گی-
ایک تازہ تحقیق میں آئی ایل او نے خبردار کیا ہے کہ کورونا وائرس سے پیدا ہونے والے معاشی بحران سے لیبر مارکیٹ پر دور رس اثرات مرتب ہوں گے-

ایوب ٹیچنگ ہسپتال میں کورونا ٹیسٹ کی سہولت کی منظوری

ایوب ٹیچنگ ہسپتال میں کورونا ٹیسٹ کی سہولت کی منظوری

خیبرپختونخوا کے صوبائی وزیرِ صحت تیمور خان جھگڑا کا کہنا ہے کہ ایبٹ آباد میں واقع ایوب ٹیچنگ ہسپتال کو کورونا وائرس کا ٹیسٹ کرنے کا مجاز قرار دے دیا گیا ہے
صوبائی وزیر صحت کا کہنا ہے کہ ایوب ٹیچنگ ہسپتال کو اب خیبرپختونخوا کے ہزارہ ریجن کی کورونا وائرس ٹیسٹنگ لیبز کی فہرست میں شامل کیا گیا ہے
اس سے قبل رواں ہفتے کے آغاز پر سوات میں قائم سیدو گروپ آف ٹیچنگ ہسپتال اور پشاور میں واقع حیات آباد میڈیکل کمپلیس کو بھی کورونا ٹیسٹ لینے کا مجاز قرار دیا گیا تھا۔

صوبائی وزیر صحت کا کہنا ہے کہ نئی ٹیسٹ لیبز کی منظوری سے صوبے میں ٹیسٹنگ کی صلاحیت میں اضافہ ہوا۔

پنجاب میں کورونا کے ساتھ ڈینگی نے بھی سر اٹھانا شروع کردیا

  • کورونا کے ساتھ ڈینگی نے بھی سر اٹھانا شروع کردیا- محکمہ صحت پنجاب  کے مطابق موسم تبدیل ہوتے ہی صوبے میں ڈینگی کے 12 مریض سامنے آگئے
  • محکمہ صحت پنجاب کا کہنا ہے کہ دو مریضوں کا تعلق اسلام آباد اور 8 کا تعلق دیگر شہروں سے ہے۔ جبکہ 2 کا تعلق لاہور سے ہے
  • محکمہ صحت نے مزید کہا کہ ڈینگی سے متاثرہ تمام مریضوں کی حالت تسلی بخش ہے- انہیں گھر بھیج دیا گیا ہے
  •  ادھر ذرائع کا کہنا ہے کہ ضلعی انتظامیہ نے ڈینگی لاروا کے خاتمہ کے لیے تاحال کوئی انتظام نہیں کیا۔
  •  ترجمان انسداد ڈینگی پروگرام نے بتایا کہ بارشوں کے سبب ڈینگی لاروا نکلا ہے- اسے تلف بھی کیاجارہاہے۔ ڈینگی ٹیمیں کورونا سے متعلق احتیاطی تدابیر پر عمل کر رہی ہیں
  • ترجمان انسداد ڈینگی پروگرام نے مزید کہا کہ ماسک گلوز پہنےٹیمیں ڈینگی لاروا ختم کررہی ہیں