Arterial Cleansing foods

Arterial Cleansing foods
An artery is a blood vessel whose function is to carry oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the tissues. To keep these vital blood vessels supple and functional, you could review your table and add any of the following foods.

A study in Mexico showed that people who ate one avocado every day for a week had a 17% drop in blood cholesterol. Avocado contains oleic acid (a monounsaturated fatty acid) that has been linked to a reduction in cholesterol. Oleic acid is also good for the skin, keeps the arteries elastic and helps prevent cancer. In addition, avocado also contains folic acid, which helps prevent heart disease and stroke. Eat avocado just like that, in a salad, inside a smoothie or use it as a sandwich material.

High-fiber buckwheat helps prevent circulatory disorders, reduces the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of arteries and other blood vessels, promotes the excretion of excess cholesterol from the body and helps keep blood pressure normal. Use buckwheat for food a few times a week. It is recommended to use ecologically clean buckwheat for healing, treatment and weight loss.

Whole grain products

Whole-grain products that stimulate good cholesterol production and contain more nutrients than refined products are particularly useful for the body. 5 to 10 grams of fiber per day helps lower both total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Eat whole grain bread, whole grain pasta, brown rice and porridge, for example.

Olive oil

One 2011 study found that people aged 65 and over who regularly used olive oil for cooking (both baking and sauce) had a 41% reduction in their risk of heart disease compared with those who did not consume olive oil. Olive oil reduces the amount of harmful cholesterol in the blood and thus slows down the process of liming the arteries. Use olive oil in salads, pasta dishes or add to vegetables. While it's a healthy choice, it's not worth overdoing it with oil - it's very high in calories.


Consuming walnuts after eating high-fat foods helps to maintain the arteries and protects the heart from obesity. Eating walnuts helps neutralize fatty acids that are harmful to the arteries after eating high-calorie, high-fat foods. Namely, nuts contain arginine, an amino acid that produces nitric oxide, which in turn produces nitric oxide. Nitric oxide dilates small blood vessels and thus improves the blood supply to the muscles.

Fatty fish

Fatty fish such as mackerel, herring, tuna and salmon contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, which have a cleansing effect on blood vessels, helping to prevent the deposition of cholesterol and other fats on the walls of arteries. Eating fish helps to thin the blood and prevent blood clots. Fish also play an important role in protecting blood vessels, having a cleansing effect and helping to remove unnecessary cholesterol from the body. Fish oil capsules (salmon and tuna) are recommended for lowering blood pressure and for people at risk of heart attack. The best choice is to eat fresh fish, which can be boiled, baked, steamed, grilled, but certainly not fried.


Asparagus is rich in sulfur, which is an important substance in ensuring the elasticity of blood vessels. Unfortunately, the body does not deposit excess sulfur from food, but oxidizes it to sulfate and excretes it in the urine. In this way, sulfur stocks must be replenished daily. In addition, asparagus helps prevent blood clots.


Pomegranate is a real vitamin bomb that covers 40% of a person's daily vitamin A, E and C needs and is a truly effective tool for preventing cardiovascular disease. Studies have also confirmed the therapeutic effect of pomegranate in atherosclerosis. Namely, subjects whose arterial narrowing had already begun were allowed to drink 50 ml of concentrated pomegranate juice per day. By the end of the experiment, the blockage of these arteries was reduced by 35 percent during the year. In addition, pomegranate juice increases the amount of oxygen in the blood and helps prevent the arteries from stiffening.


Broccoli is rich in vitamin K, which helps remove excess calcium from the blood vessels. It is high in fiber, which lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. Like asparagus, broccoli is high in sulfur. To cleanse the body, it is good to eat it raw or stewed, be sure not to fry.

Orange juice

100% natural orange juice improves blood vessel function and helps with blood pressure problems. As a result of drinking the juice, the lipids that clog the arteries are removed from the blood. For effective cleansing, go through a cube of orange juice, where you drink 2-3 glasses of 100% natural juice during the day.


Blue-green algae or spirulina is rich in B vitamins, iron, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, manganese and chromium. Spirulina also contains vitamin B12, which is essential for the production of red blood cells. Spirulina strengthens the immune system, helps prevent high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and also protects against cancer.


Watermelon contains the amino acid arginine, which helps produce nitric oxide, which maintains the elasticity of arteries and dilates blood vessels, and restores already damaged endothelium. Consumption of watermelon has a positive effect on blood pressure and other cardiovascular parameters. Use watermelon in salads or make smoothies from it.

Why is it difficult to make specific dietary recommendations?
Arterial calcification, or atherosclerosis, is a complex chain of processes that unfortunately do not have a single dietary recommendation to slow or stop.
Why is it so difficult to make specific dietary recommendations that are effective and guarantee a life without aggressive liming? Especially because there are several reasons for liming. Wrong foods are one of the most important, but only part of the reason. Secondly, it is not yet fully understood what exactly happens at the cellular level in the body when atherosclerosis is out of control. Unfortunately, the human body is more complicated than a washing machine or a sink drain, into which the pipe can be poured in the event of a blockage, and the problem is gone.

So what to do? Be sure to avoid extremes - foods must be wholesome, with all nutrient groups represented. Undoubtedly, it is important to ensure that energy consumption is higher than the caloric intake of food. For those with a strong predisposition to atherosclerosis at a relatively young age, nutritionists are sure to come to the rescue. It is also important to remember that no matter how healthy and balanced the table is, a cigarette lit after a meal will nullify its effectiveness.

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